quite / fairly / rather / pretty quite / fairly / rather / pretty Look at these examples:. fairly (adv): to a certain degree but not very; in a reasonable way Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Hungary is covered by a fairly extensive network of railways, although in the sparsely populated parts of the kingdom the high road is still the only means of communication. General guidelines exist, but be prepared to learn individual expressions in which the preposition does not adhere to the guidelines. Simple Sentences with “vacation” A simple sentence with “vacation” contains a subject and a verb, and it may also have an object and modifiers. Hardy British ferns belonging to such genera as Asplenium, Nephrodium, Aspidium, Scolopendrium, have become fairly popular of late years, and many charming varieties are now used in borders and rockeries. Even after 10 years of being apart, he still … All Rights Reserved. Minerals are fairly abundant in number, but few are present in sufficient quantity to be industrially important. He went to the county fair. The warming of the ocean is due practically to solar radiation alone; such heat as may be received from the interior of the earth can only produce a small effect and is fairly uniformly distributed. The use of prepositions in English is frequently idiomatic. The pardine lynx is found fairly abundantly in the west of Tunisia in the mountains and forest. As mentioned, the independent clause shares the main information of a complex sentence. fairly with that of the permanently frozen subsoil. Certain classes of names being explained in this way, legitimate and fairly reliable conclusions can be drawn for many others belonging to the same class or group. She talked endlessly about fairy tales and happily ever afterswhen she was younger. Five topographic divisions of the island are fairly marked. wind is fairly constant in the inland regions during the middle of the day. But every genuine attempt to overcome its difficulties brings us into closer touch with the period we are examining; and though we may not be able to throw our conclusions into the form of large generalizations, we shall get to know something of the operation of the forces which determined the economic future of England; understand more clearly than our forefathers did, for we have more information than they could command, and a fuller appreciation of the issues, the broad features of English development, and be in a position to judge fairly well of the measures they adopted in their time. In the United States there has been an arduous struggle over this question, and combinations of merchants have sometimes compelled favourable terms. It is then kept at a moderate and fairly uniform temperature in a warehouse, when, although there is no marked outward change, the tobacco becomes more mellow. Their fair or red hair was brought forward from the crown of the head towards the forehead, leaving the nape of the neck uncovered; they shaved the face except the upper lip. The company has a complex organizational structure. In fact the rest of native history may be fairly called the Aztec period, notwithstanding the magnificence and culture which make Tezcuco celebrated under Nezahualcoyotl and his son Nezahualpilli. This section is fairly representative for much of the central Mississippi Basin. To be judged fairly, Bentham must be judged as a teacher of the principles of legislation. Repeated analyses have shown how greatly both the botanical constitution and the chemical composition of the mixed herbage vary according to the description of manure applied. The exam was fairly difficult. Complex sentences can gather small choppy sentences into more graceful, longer sentences. The city is laid out fairly regularly in the river valley and on bluffs along the river, and has attractive residential districts, commanding good views. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. (entire, whole) " Her family is very close. The Appalachian trends (N.E.S.W.) The method included a recognition of the causes and effects of phenomena as well as the mere fact of their occurrence, and for the first time the importance of the vertical relief of the land was fairly recognized. From 1850 to 1900 fairly full industrial statistics were gathered as a part of each decennial census. Working with two different specimens, he found that the hysteresis loss in ergs per cubic centimetre (W) was fairly represented by o 00125B 1 6 and o o0101B 1 ' 6 respectively, the maximum induction ranging from about 300 to 3000. ft., are round or square, and for these sizes, and shapes, and of course for a flat surface, the relation P = .003 is fairly correct. The best modern determinations of the value of K for gaseous oxygen agree very fairly well with that given by Faraday in 18J3 (Exp. The early years of Albert's rule in Prussia were fairly prosperous. "There was a time when the national marriage rate was fairly high," she reminded him. Miriam wanted to return to the hotel fairly early since she had an early flight. (1822), who, with his father, explored the coast between 69° and 75° N., and gave the first fairly trustworthy map of it. Britain is fairly typical of the west European district. A good example of a fairly typical case is afforded by Heterodera schachtii, which attacks beetroot and causes great loss to the Continental sugar manufacturers. The fulness and accuracy of the text, combined with the neat beauty of its coloured plates, have gone far to promote the study of ornithology in Germany, and while essentially a popular work, since it is suited to the comprehension of all readers, it is throughout written with a simple dignity that commends it to the serious and scientific. There is also a Tsong-du or National Assembly, divided into a greater assembly, including all government officials, and called together only to decide on matters of supreme importance, and a lesser assembly, consisting of certain high officials of Lhasa, noblemen, and delegates from the monasteries of Debung, Sera and Galdan, and fairly constantly in session. These Bad Lands were once a fairly level plain, but intricate stream erosion produced the labyrinth of ravines and ridges for which the region is noted. You denied me, despite what I'd call a fairly strong relationship. (2) Sensory cells, which may be fairly numerous in places, especially on the tentacles, but which occur always scattered and isolated, never aggregated to form sense-organs as in the medusa.